一人がどこか淋しい夜は 肌と肌 寄せ合うけど 今はただ窮屈なことさえ云えずに I’m just fallin’ in your eyes As just the seasons go by Feelin’ myself changing and there’s no one like you I ever fear sometimes 夜空からまた一つ 流れる星を今見つめながら ただ月明かりの中揺らめく幻 Never doing down. I’m in your eyes o’blue As just the time goes by Feelin’ myself changing and there’s no one like you I ever fear sometimes 消えてゆく足跡のように 胸のその奥でそれは きっともう悲しみに映らない As just the seasons go by Feelin’ myself changing and there’s no one like you I ever fear sometimes As just the time goes by Feelin’ myself changing and there’s no one like you I ever fear sometimes 消えてゆく思い出の中で今 繰り返すあの波も それはもう悲しみに映らない