Funk flavor through your neighborhood, state, town, or twenty-three wards. This song is playing everywhere! we three different types have funk flavor Stone River, Big Slope, Tip Ball jazzy かつ各々の武器も持つsoul worldwide genreの壁 壊すぜ it's priceless. We comin' through to take control of each zip code. Bridgin' the gap from rap to calypso. We gonna strike each city from 'Frisco. Tokyo to back to San Luis Obispo. what's your roots? fruits? your walking life like sweets!? 困難こそ JUCE 時を経た B.E.P 引用 3 types 各地へ fly again!! ※Hook Listen up Funk flavor through your neighborhood, Listen up Music transcends national boundaries [Atsuta] High Cheez Get ma good shit 昨日のMANCHIES 残った13時過ぎ 起き抜け ふかす Cigarets MOKUMOKU 煙とViva Let's Dancing Lonely 知らねーFuture 後のせ But ok I’m Happines All Day Your way, Go straight, 駆け抜けるCity Rail 地に足つけないStyle?? FlaFla 終わっても still そんな感じsa 起きればRとか SODA 飲んだら かっこがついたら Date誘うから 悪もんかHERO 紙一重だな 立場の問題 もしくは状態 ALL RIGHT GROOVYなFACTORY LALA Vue duとrhyming ※Hook Listen up Funk flavor through your neighborhood, Listen up Music transcends national boundaries [Vue du monde] legendary figure. 音を楽しむと書いて音楽 デカイ背中 bass line に くらっと来る客 Yeah 俺らもそうだな!! crystals triangle 君のheartも 光輝かせる radio から 流れ出す 香るかのように 耳に響す Jazzy flaver play the drums 気持ち高ぶる 90s Flash back させる 欠かせねーわな bass and drum あればHiphop sampling 元祖の姿 drama end roll または opening songに please choose 外れはないはず 弾むstep ここがdance hall さぁ 踊れ 1つ 楽しみ方 ※Hook Listen up Funk flavor through your neighborhood, Listen up Music transcends national boundaries