

No matter what the era, if you don't work hard while you're young, you won't have a peaceful retirement. No matter how nice words you quote, if you don’t act on them, they just sound like excuses to justify yourself. After living for almost 60 years, I’ve realized that life isn’t that long. The hardships and experiences of your youth are the foundation, and although there are individual differences, by the time you turn 40, you are almost complete as a human being, for better or worse. As long as you live, you will be training and learning, but the opportunities to put them to use will inevitably decrease. The older you get, the less you can afford to fail, and the more you can’t get it back. What I want to tell young people is to take a look at reality for a moment. If you’re going to take action, now is the time to put what you’ve learned to use. Make good use of those failed experiences, while you have them. Before you grow old, regretting and looking for excuses for your cowardly life, use them to your advantage, take action, and get the fulfillment of having accomplished something. どんな時代であろうとも 自分の未来は今の自分次第だということ いつか、いつかでは、そのいつかは来ない … 行動が伴っていないと どんな素敵な言葉を引用しても 自己を正当化する 言い訳のようにしか聞こえない 60年近く生きてきて思うことは 人生はそんなに長くなく 若い頃の苦労や経験が下地となって 個人差はあれど 40才を越えた辺りでほぼ人間として 良くも悪くも完成してしまう 人は生きている限り 修行で勉強だけれども それを活かす機会は どうしても どんどん減少していってしまう 歳を重ねれば重ねるだけ 失敗できなくなってくる 取り返せなくなってくる 若い人に伝えたいのは ちょっと現実を見つめみて 動くなら今 学んだことを活かすのは今 その失敗した経験を せっかくだから使いこなそう 後悔ばかりしながら 臆病だった人生の言い訳ばかりを 探しながら 老けて行く前に それを使って活かして動いて やり遂げた充実感を手に入れておこう  