

ふきのとう 個人的 BEST SELECTION “ 夜風 ” 気候が良いのでふらふらと Tシャツ サンダル 夜道を歩く てくてく夜風に海辺へ出れば 外灯点々 続く灯台 波の音がそこここに 海があることおしえてくれる 川に沿って通りに向かう 桜の花びらひらひらと 月に跳ねる鏡の中で 川面にほろほろ流れてる 小さなネオン暖簾くぐれば みんなの笑顔と優しい小料理   “ 踏切 ” 二階の手摺から見える空 今日は薄曇りのブルーグレー 階段を降りて 駐車場の砂利道を抜ける 寂れたシャッターばかりの商店街 海へ出る小道を右手に見ながら 精肉店の前を過ぎ 古めかしい喫茶店を過ぎて 銀行のある小さな交差点 単線の駅と線路を渡る高架線 金網越しに遮断機を見下ろせば 真っ直ぐ伸びる線路の先は 君の住む街へと続いている ブルーグレーに鳶が一匹舞っていた   " night wind " The weather is nice so I'm dizzy T-shirt, sandals, walking at night If you go to the beach in the tekuteku night breeze A lighthouse with outdoor lights The sound of waves here and there tell me that there is an ocean along the river to the street Cherry blossom petals fluttering in the mirror bouncing on the moon Flowing gently on the surface of the river If you pass through the small neon curtain Everyone's smiles and gentle small dishes   " Railroad crossing " The sky seen from the second floor railing Today is a slightly cloudy blue gray down the stairs Go through the gravel road in the parking lot A deserted shopping street full of shutters While looking at the path leading to the sea on the right Pass the butcher shop past the old coffee shop small intersection with a bank Elevated line crossing single track station and tracks If you look down at the barrier through the wire mesh At the end of the line that stretches straight leading to the town where you live A kite was dancing in the blue-gray  