Track byヘンリー・マンシーニ楽団
You rode the Goodnight-Loving trail Went up the Chisholm too You drove three thousand up to Kansas City And you wintered with Teddy Blue Here's looking at you Here's looking at you You rode with Ranger Goodnight You helped him tame the land You learned the Llano Estacado Just like it was the back of your hand When you rode for the brand You rode for the brand Went three times to Sedalia With a cook and six-man crew You came damn near losing the herd and your hair To a passel of renegade Sioux But you saw it through You saw it through You courted the dancehall beauties Until they picked your pockets clean You let it happened once you let it happen twice Up in Dodge and Abilene Every place in between Every place in between From a heat wave in Palo Pinto And to the frostbite on Raton Pass You looseherded cattle through a Southwestern drought In the quest for water and grass Alack and alas You huntin' water and grass You drove home the fittest survivors When word came of late summer rain You reveled in respite for weary riders And three pounds a day in gain The respite of rain Three pounds of gain You drove 'em up to Montana Over rivers swollen outta their bank You started out as a wrangler's helper But you rose up through the rank Through the dark and the dank You rose through the rank A poor way to make a living You threatened to quit, but then When the herd bedded down at the shank of evenin' Why you knew you'd do it over again Through the thick and the thin You'd do it over again Now a half-dozen generations They've mourned your passin' on But you was just startin' what still ain't over And your spirit saddles up in the dawn For you are not gone No you are not gone For we see you in the Steeldust The spark flyin' off'a the show Maybe we're here livin' what you never dreamed of But you lived what we never knew Here's looking at you Here's looking at you Here's looking at you Here's looking at you