(narration) It was a hot summer day, When a mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. Can't see anything... Can't hear anything... In 1945, August 6th, 8:15 in the morning, One atomic bomb was suddenly dropped on HIROSHIMA. 130,000 people died and 350,000 were injured. 3 days later, on August 9th, 11:02 in the morning. A 2nd atomic bomb was dropped, this time on NAGASAKI. 70,00 people died and 270,000 were injured. In a moment's notice, many precious lives were lost by these 2 bombs. What a foolish incident! This song is a strong message to the entire world to prevent such a horrible occurrence to ever happen again. Once upon a summer day In their midst, a mushroom grew They never saw They never, never knew They're walking on the street Making shadows on the wall They're sitting on the steps Melting into the stone Children of the mushroom Aren't we all, aren't we all