Try to share your sparkle with me, try it all alone... Maybe we will come and visit, if you've got a clone... Cause it's long over due if you get it made... Cause it's warm in the sun 'till you get the shade... Maybe you have come from heaven, may the darkness fall... You will tell us with a whisper, so no one hears it all... Cause it's long in the night, when you have to say... That the loneliest light will be joined again... You want the rest of me inside, Taking the whole acclaim... You want to know where I have gone, Maybe just fell it's shame... You want to feel it standing tall, Taking a modest bite... When you can feel I cease to fall, Maybe you'll see the light... When the red light's flashing to you, you will have to go... Maybe someone else will follow, maybe no one knows... When the time isn't right, but you have to stay... When there's no one around, you kneel down and pray... Now that you have come to smite me, I will strike the blow... You will never get any pity, the trauma has begun... And you try to reach out, but there's no one there... And you feel so unarmed, when the smoke has cleared... You want the rest of me inside, And you will take the whole acclaim... You wanna know where I have gone, So you can feel ashamed...