King Orfeo

Track byMalinky

  • 4:50


There lived a lady in yon ha' Scowan erla grae Her name was Lady Lisa Bell Far yorten han grun orla The king, he has a-huntin' gane Scowan erla grae An' left his lady all alane Far yorten han grun orla The Elfin King wi' his dairt Scowan erla grae Pierced his lady tae the hert Far yorten han grun orla When the king cam hame at noon Scowan erla grae He spiered for Lady Lisa Bell Far yorten han grun orla His nobles untae him did say Scowan erla grae "My lady was wounded, noo she's deid" Far yorten han grun orla Noo they've taen her life frae me Scowan erla grae But her corpse they'll never hae Far yorten han grun orla The king, he's ca'd his nobles a' Scowan erla grae Tae waltz her corpse intae the ha' Far yorten han grun orla But when the lords were fa'n asleep Scowan erla grae Oot o' the ha' her corpse did creep Far yorten han grun orla Noo awa tae the woods he's gane Scowan erla grae An' there he sat upon a stane Far yorten han grun orla He sat there for seiven years Scowan erla grae 'Til a company him drew near Far yorten han grun orla Some did ride and some did ging Scowan erla grae He saw his lady then amang Far yorten han grun orla The company, they then made their way Scowan erla grae Tae a ha' upon a hill Far yorten han grun orla Noo he set him doon fu'l wae Scowan erla grae He's taen oot his harp tae play Far yorten han grun orla First he played the notes o' noy Scowan erla grae Then he played the notes o' joy Far yorten han grun orla An' then he played the guid gabber reel Scowan erla grae That would mak a sick hert heal Far yorten han grun orla There cam a boy frae oot the ha' Scowan erla grae Ye're bidden tae play amangst us a' Far yorten han grun orla The Elfin King tae him did say Scowan erla grae "What will you hae for a' yer play?" Far yorten han grun orla For my play I will ye tell Scowan erla grae I'll hae my Lady Lisa Bell Far yorten han grun orla My sister's son, the unworthy thing Scowan erla grae The morn he will be crowned king Far yorten han grun orla Noo ye can tak yer lady hame Scowan erla grae An' you'll be king a' on yer ain Far yorten han grun orla


