Bring The Lassie Hame

  • 8:12


Frae baker's laddie tae greenhorn squaddie nothin' much tae lose and the whole world tae gain Mess hall and rations, useless square bashin' but you were only two hours' march frae Laughingsplain Shipped off tae battle, crammed in like cattle near died in the panic when the tin fish found its range Your best friend found you and rallied round you And you believed him when he told you your luck would change Bring the lassie hame frae the rollin' hills o' Styria Find a bonny boat tae carry her and offer her your name Rise up and leave the cruel wars behind Listen tae the beatin' of two hearts in time for the life of an honest Scottish soldier will never be the same So listen tae your heart and bring the lassie hame You loaded breeches, cleared Eytie beaches watched the bombers at Cassino flyin' through the Jerry flak built Bailey bridges, laid mines on ridges wi' the poor bloody infantry tae watch your back When it was over, still nae bed o' clover A continent lay bleedin', in tears like ne'er before and then you found her, hard times around her and you knew that your life had changed for ever more Bring the lassie hame frae the rollin' hills o' Styria Find a bonny boat tae carry her and offer her your name Rise up and leave the cruel wars behind Listen tae the beatin' of two hearts in time for the life of an honest Scottish soldier will never be the same So listen tae your heart and bring the lassie hame Nae rhyme nor reason gives love its season It can build itself a bower in a three ton army truck It owns nae nation, nae rank nor station It only needs twa lovers who would try their luck Nae flag tae follow, nae pride tae swallow nae braggarts o' the state cryin' loose the dogs o' war One soldier's story, nae tunes o' glory just a sapper who built the finest bridge of a' Bring the lassie hame frae the rollin' hills o' Styria Find a bonny boat tae carry her and offer her your name Rise up and leave the cruel wars behind Listen tae the beatin' of two hearts in time for the life of an honest Scottish soldier will never be the same So listen tae your heart and bring the lassie hame Bring the lassie hame frae the rollin' hills o' Styria Find a bonny boat tae carry her and offer her your name Rise up and leave the cruel wars behind Listen tae the beatin' of two hearts in time for the life of an honest Scottish soldier will never be the same So listen tae your heart and bring the lassie hame


Brian McNeillの人気曲

Brian McNeill