歩き疲れ彷徨う果てに 屍の山を見た 諦める者 どこもかしこも 終わらせるのが楽なのか Have you lived long enough, enough to burn out? Is this the ending you wished, wished with no doubt? こぼれ落ちた清き涙 心地光明の光が差す You are the only one who can change yourself Don't give up on what you've done with your own hands Come on, now back into the wild Whether you live or die is up to you All back into the wild We're going to save this collapsing world 終わりなき この祈りよ 心の火種となれよ Now go your own way Come on, now back into the wild Whether you live or die is up to you All back into the wild We're going to save this collapsing world Come on, now back into the wild Whether you live or die is up to you All back into the wild We're going to save this collapsing world