Success Is the Word (Success Instrumental)

Track by12:41

  • 2015.10.16
  • 5:17


Money, Money, money, money... (human beat box begins) SUCcESS... (Gilligan's Island theme) SUCCESS (imitating Mr. Howell/Jim Backus) "Hey Gilligan, my boy... Success is the word!" I'm going to travel by jet to the south of France Hit the fine ladies; put them in a trance So party people; say what you want to do? Dining on my yacht in Paris too With the finest gold and drive a big car Sun roof, Rolls Royce, everything (we are?) Fine wine, champagne, Don Perignon Sparkly like crazy to the break of dawn Up and down and on and on The party won't stop until we drink the lawn (?) I'd buy a hundred room castle, (in Madrid?) and (b)arking(?) through the night with my man LC To be a (???) you got to be the best Able to pass the most vicious test You got to put it all together, and keep it cool; 'Cause with success comes money too You're gonna take your time to get it right And work real hard both day and night You better punch that clock (that's up?) on the wall 'cause with success, you'll have a ball Money; fame, and fortune too All these things are here for you If you take your time, relax your mind Put it all together instead of wiggling your behind Say you want to be something, have a good life But how you gonna do it if you don't think twice You see your momma gives you love so strong and true She's always buying time trying to - help you She said what you can conceive you will achieve But in your (???sounds like "butt") you will receive Riches, growth, and so much fame You got to pay some dues if you play this game SUCCESS! BUST THIS S-U-C-C-E-SS (x2) A Mercedes Benz and lots of friends I've got video; I'm having so much fun A big bank account, and so much clout I want to be the one to turn it out Well, I want to be the king, of the playboy swing have diamond and furs and all the casual things Hang out with Liz; travel round the world I even have a flavor of (dope style?) girls King in the (???) Down for the fun in Montego Bay Or would you prefer Miami Beach? It's not - that hard to reach By boat, by car, or private plane With cash money, you can go INSANE (the record that caused the Bridge War!)



