こもりっきり Dr.P ユニークな P-Factory 不気味な Story ちょっと Inquisitive for it He creates some everyday and night 小人から巨大な Monster Oneday 研究熱心な彼 CLONE に挑戦 Yeah!! Computer System A から作動 夢の Creator 常識 Denominator tha 不可思議 Numerator Conumdrum 打ち込む Data Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 「MASTER!」 ある仮面舞踏会の後 ギラッと光が射す He felt dizzy ハッと思ったらすぐさま It's gone「そうだCLONだ!」 とっさに閃く 部屋に直行 それから十日も寝ずに 毎晩トンテンカン 取り組んだ Development of CLONE ようやく完成「Hey!」 唯一無似これまでに無い完成度 精密さ 限りなく人間に近い 「どうだい?」(Feel good) 「Wah?!」 one mo' time (Fell so so good) Yea, alright nah, Nah step into tha 未知の世界 「One night」All tha things begins Y'all gotta check 「Bright light」 In tha darkness Here's a Little somethin' like this One for doctor, Two For tha future, Three Everything and Four Watch out! Dez a CLONE AS A FUNNY CREATURE PREACHER!! Dr.P SAYS「DO IT!」 HE SAYS「YES!」 STAYS THA SAME EVERYDAY 「JUST LIKE THIS」 IN ACTUALITY HE GOT MENTALY STRESS NOWADAYS DOIN' LESS THAN BEFORESO IN THA FUTURE CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) WE SAY CLONE IS GONNA BECOME A FUNNY CREATURE PREACHER!! Yes sir Dr! Can I help you any more? 無論 true to you ‘cause I was born from your brain(brain) I never get crazy(crazy) I just get busy(busy) I don't show my feelings because I'm a clone(clone) Oh no! It's time to go shopping (at super market) Oh god! It's time to go to school(study hard) I forgotten put a put on tha gass(hurry) Future and past… I don't need any emotions Nature and digital… I don't need any emotions But lately 浮かび上がったとある Question and illusion and delusion… kill tha regulation! Mardarous emotion に震え立つ I'm a clone 今に intentional crime! Fuck off! I'll say caution I'm a perfect clone… I can do everything! I'm a perfect clone… I can kill everything! I'm a perfect clone… I can kill you matha fucka!! Dr.P SAYS「DO IT!」 HE SAYS「YES!」 STAYS THA SAME EVERYDAY 「JUST LIKE THIS」 IN ACTUALITY HE GOT MENTALY STRESS NOWADAYS DOIN' LESS THAN BEFORE SO IN THA FUTURE CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) WE SAY CLONE IS GONNA BECOME A FUNNY CREATURE PREACHER!! I'm a clone だが知っての通り Re-borned clone ...Broken Difficulty intelligent At first I was learn this word「Do it」 こればっかの Dr.P… 全く見えてない Reality Yo! I say… Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Tha time passed CLONE grows into a man who wants to be free 「Get loose!」 He really wants to be free 「Get loose!」 やがて野心を抱くように そう自由を Get loose! 「Get loose!!」 それには Doctor が邪魔だ Get loose! 「Get loose!!」 Tried to remove him 感情を持った CLONE as tha same to human Loopin' 毎日同じ So たくらんだ Make a revolution A-yo, think it! 計画的に遂行しなくちゃ He was feelin' 陰気な Atmosphere But he's alredy determined NOW GET A GUN!! NOW GET A GUN!! NOW GET A GUN!! NOW GET A GUN!! NOW GET A GUN!! NOW GET A GUN!! NOW GET A GUN!! GET,GET,GET A GUN!! No control 制御不能 Oh No! 暗黒の世界へと追いやって 自ら代わって Preacher「I Know」 銃を取って暗殺 ちょっと引き金引けば一発 Kill tha man! Dr.P SAYS「DO IT!」 HE SAYS「WHAT??!」 STAYIN' THA SAME EVERYDAY 「WHAT THA FUCK?!!」 MAKE DOCTOR DROP! GET THA FUCK OFF WIT THA SURE SHOT! BUTCHA WAH!! FUNNY CREATURE PREACHER!! Dr.P SAYS「DO IT!」 HE SAYS「WHAT??!」 STAYIN' THA SAME EVERYDAY 「WHAT THA FUCK?!!」 MAKE DOCTOR DROP! GET THA FUCK OFF WIT THA SURE SHOT! BUTCHA WAH!! FUNNY CREATURE PREACHER!! CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) WE SAY CLONE IS GONNA BECOME A FUNNY CREATURE PREACHER!! CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) CLONE(CLONE!) IS GONNA BECOME(BECOME!) WE SAY CLONE IS GONNA BECOME A FUNNY CREATURE PREACHER!! RRRRRRRA!!!!!!!!