Love Song

Track byKhalil Fong

  • 2008.01.11
  • 4:29


我写了这首歌 Wo xie le zhe shou ge I wrote this song 是一首简单歌 Shi yi shou jian dan de It's a simple one 不复杂也不难唱的那一种歌 Bu fu za ye bu nan chang de na yi zhong ge Not complicated and not hard to sing, that kind of song 这不是那种 Zhe bu shi na zhong This isn't that kind of 只剩下那钢琴的歌 Zhi sheng xia na gang qin de ge "There's only the piano left" kind of song (Jay Chou reference) 也不是那种 Ye bu shi na zhong And isn't that kind of 不能只是朋友的歌 Bu neng zhi shi peng you de ge "We can't only be friends" kind of song (David Tao reference) 这不是那种 Zhe bu shi na zhong This isn't that kind of 两个人的故事写在一本小说 Liang ge ren de gu shi xie zai yi ben xiao shuo The story of two people written in a novel 那小说里有谁会在花田里犯了错 Na xiao shuo li you shei hui zai hua tian li fan le zuo And in that novel who will make a mistake in the flower fields (Wang Lee Hom reference 这就是一首写给你听的一个 Zhe jiu shi yi shou xie gei ni ting de yi ge This is written for you to hear, it's a Love song 一直想写一首 Yi zhi xiang xie yi shou I've always wanted to write a Love song 你给了我一首 Ni gei le wo yi shou You gave me a Love song 那DJ会播放 Na DJ hui bo fang The Dj will play it 这也许会上榜 Zhe ye xu hui shang bang This might make it on the charts 如果我只想写出一首 Ru guo wo zhi xiang xie chu yi shou If I only wanted to write a Love song 一直想写一首 Yi zhi xiang xie yi shou I've always wanted to write a Love song 你给了我一首 Ni gei le wo yi shou You gave me a Love song 你就像那夏天的凉风 Ni jiu xiang na xia tian de liang feng You're just like the summer's cool breeze 吹过我的面孔 Cui guo wo de mian kong Blowing past my face 真想飞 Zhen xiang fei Making me want to fly 在我心底 Zai wo xin di In my heart 你就是我的 Ni jiu shi wo di You're mine 想说爱你 Xiang shou ai ni I want to say I love you 我写了这首歌 Wo xie le zhe shou ge I wrote this song 是一首简单歌 Shi yi shou jian dan de It's a simple one 不复杂也不难唱的那一种歌 Bu fu za ye bu nan chang de na yi zhong ge Not complicated and not hard to sing, that kind of song 这不是那种童话里会遇见的歌 Zhe bu shi na zhong tong hua li hui yu jian de ge This isn't a song you would find in fairytale (Guang Liang reference) 也不是那种真真切切爱我的歌 Ye bu shi na zhong zhen zhen qie qie ai wo de ge And isn't a very vividly loving me kind of song (A-mei reference) 这不是那种 Zhe bu shi na zhong This isn't that kind of 两个人的故事写在一本小说 Liang ge ren de gu shi xie zai yi ben xiao shuo Two people's story written in a novel 那小说里有谁陪在看流星在降落 Na xiao shuo li you shei pei zai kan liu xing zai jiang luo And in that novel who will watch stars falling with each other (F4 reference) 这就是一首写给你听的一个 Zhe jiu shi yi shou xie gei ni ting de yi ge This is written for you to hear, it's a Love song 一直想写一首 Yi zhi xiang xie yi shou I've always wanted to write a Love song 你给了我一首 Ni gei le wo yi shou You gave me a Love song 那DJ会播放 Na DJ hui bo fang The Dj will play it 这也许会上榜 Zhe ye xu hui shang bang This might make it on the charts 如果我只想写出一首 Ru guo wo zhi xiang xie chu yi shou If I only wanted to write a Love song 一直想写一首 Yi zhi xiang xie yi shou I've always wanted to write a Love song 你给了我一首 Ni gei le wo yi shou You gave me a Love song 你就像那夏天的凉风 Ni jiu xiang na xia tian de liang feng You're just like the summer's cool breeze 吹过我的面孔 Cui guo wo de mian kong Blowing past my face 真想飞 Zhen xiang fei Making me want to fly 在我心底 Zai wo xin di In my heart 你就是我的 Ni jiu shi wo di You're mine 想说爱你 Xiang shou ai ni I want to say I love you 如果你是一幅画 Ru guo ni shi yi fu hua If you were a painting 你会是最珍贵的一幅画 Ni hui shi zui zhen gui de yi fu hua You would be the most valuable painting 如果那画家是梵高的话 Ru guo na hua jia shi fan gao de hua If that painter was Van Gogh 有何贵人前来又献花 You he gui ren qian lai you xian hua If there's a person that comes and presents you with flowers 个个向你求嫁 Ge ge xiang ni qiu jia Everyone asks for your hand in marriage 梵高他说你们都该回家 Fan gao ta shuo ta men dou gai hui jia Van Gogh says that they should all go home 如果你是melody Ru guo ni shi melody If you were a melody 就是最动听 Jiu shi zui dong ting You would be the most beautiful 所有的人都会跟着你起唱 Suo you de ren dou hui gen zhe ni qi chang Everyone would sing along with you 就算在夜晚你的心太亮 Jiu suan zai ye wan ni de xin tai liang Even in the night your heart is too bright 让我忘了月亮代表我的 Rang wo wang le yue liang dai biao wo de Causing me to forget that the moon represents...(reference to moon represents my heart) Love song 一直想写一首 Yi zhi xiang xie yi shou I've always wanted to write a Love song 你给了我一首 Ni gei le wo yi shou You gave me a Love song 那DJ会播放 Na DJ hui bo fang The Dj will play it 这也许会上榜 Zhe ye xu hui shang bang This might make it on the charts 如果我只想写出一首 Ru guo wo zhi xiang xie chu yi shou If I only wanted to write a Love song 一直想写一首 Yi zhi xiang xie yi shou I've always wanted to write a Love song 你给了我一首 Ni gei le wo yi shou You gave me a Love song 你就像那夏天的凉风 Ni jiu xiang na xia tian de liang feng You're just like the summer's cool breeze 吹过我的面孔 Cui guo wo de mian kong Blowing past my face 真想飞 Zhen xiang fei Making me want to fly 在我心底 Zai wo xin di In my heart 你就是我的 Ni jiu shi wo di You're mine 想说爱你 Xiang shou ai ni I want to say I love you


Khalil Fongの人気曲

Khalil Fongのアルバム


Khalil Fong