Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! T!K!O!O! T!K!O!O! T!K!O!O! T!K!O!O! Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! Hurt and grab the victory! If you are not motivated, lose! T!K!O!O! T!K!O! Wake up and get up! 難しく考えてツマんねぇ、 道なんて歩むんじゃねーぞ 俺たちの考えただひとつ山頂へ T.K.O