I wanna 罠 手足に纏わり憑く 怠慢お笑い打ち水party bicycle 傀儡バレ道端捨てるscarecrow 最後にwanted けじめをつける SE・SA・ME! 感情皆無 輪廻 俗世 肺 満にして吸気を放る 植え付ける因果 幼少期のskin Revival, ask me how? 豆乳endlessに朝摂取 Do you know what? vitamin B!! 曖昧な記憶蒙昧 No need おmeat formal vegetable mind 頑張ってるmeにご褒美頂戴 一番辛い脳内 インスタno like 宣伝 me again don't send me a キモイDM Eyeballに映る家 somebodyうろつくぴえん Real world いない友見つけるmy own in this psycho SNS world I wanna wanna 愛 罠罠 愛=罠 湧い 煩悩煩悩 buy こんなもの why 叶わない can't know what I want And you will die because I am a pussy my biscuit bite I wanna wanna 愛 罠罠 愛=罠 若さならbuy in the web 簡単に 迷い込む倍増美容のpride Give up when you gonna die I must feel beautiful In the street all 声かける to 美貌 Always keen to learn more How to keep this face forever on You will find... I'm just a people I know I am dying But no one know of life 限界 Let's count to three じき目覚める wonderful dream Somebody please stop this shower What did you say!!? ハイカラミニ坊主 アイコンに上手いことはめた coffinにブルズアイ この際このマイク通し 言ってもいい?what a fu〇〇!! このバカ!!木端に爆破! I'm broken Almost there Dream半ばでrest I must feel beautiful In the street all 声かける to 美貌 Always keen to learn more How to keep this face forever on All I tried 座禅もヨガも Low-carbも フィットネスもswimmingも No one can do better than me の Diet 理想まだ見ぬ秘境 where is it? what I need? Eat a sesame Eat it!! Eat it!!!!!!!