Scurrilous, wide spread death Punitive, stagnant mess Rancorous killing spree Punishing massacre Eternal insanity fueling the need To randomly vanquish mankind The inception of ultra demise Systematic elimination Systematic elimination Barbarous, genocide Mutilate, withered lives, ominous Systematic elimination Systematic elimination Die human thing rot eternally One, one by one are left to bleed Cries bellowing instant misery Gone, life is gone lying in death's bed The act of murdering so empowering Exact number of dead will be unknown Intact corpse are few and far between Extract billions from mortal suffering One, one by one Killing and killing at will Methodic destruction must thrive Values of horror instilled Deep in a most sinister mind Rancorous, barbarous Scurrilous, ominous You will now die Annihilate the populace To consecrate this earth as a grave One, one by one Systematic elimination Systematic elimination One by one rot eternally