The hoof-beats of a stallion stir the dusty ground into a powdered rain That lifts and curls until it’s done and settles down into this flowing main The mountain-range is bending and the prairie-dogs are calling for tomorrow Our lungs our scorched from breathing and our eyes are tired of staring through the sand In the rampage of a cyclone fights a lost and frightened starling In a weather-beaten saddle with my brown-eyed Georgia darling Our lips are cracked and mouths are dry at night the sun just seems to be glowing You can bet all our dreams are with the mountain-streams that never cease from flowing The desert chains are stronger than the walls of every prison farm And the noon-day sun is hotter than the dungeon of Satan’s evil charm In the rampage of a cyclone fights a lost and frightened starling In a weather-beaten saddle with my brown-eyed Georgia darling Up ahead there’s a river and a man in a snow-white flowing gown Upon his head is resting the brightest and most haunting golden crown He’s offering us a drink from the dipper that is filled with all our dreams And he’s washing off our brow that was scarred from the hellish solar beams In a cool mountain breeze floats a home-bound black-winged starling In a golden-studded saddle with my brown-eyed Georgia darling