Show me how it's done, you're a salesman's son Go down to the end of your street and melt into The star-spangled night, catch a first class flight They'll take you to the edge of the world It's flatter than the maps that they've drawn when they own the law They'll trust you to the young like they wish they were 'Cause they've been there, they know you, they like your kind They'll teach you who you are and they'll sell you to yourself Somewhere south of your neighborhood There's a chemical flavor Not so far from your hotel The scenery is bringing you down Somewhere south of your border Can you follow the order? Like an ancient explorer They recognized your eyes and you still don't know why When you see me wave, don't wave back I might not feel the need to explain what I mean It's a dangerous dance but if I had the chance I'd get you at the edge of the world It's stranger than the stories you choose for the evening news I never hear your name 'cause you write it all yourself At the edge of the world, it's a job done well They'll shoot you for a look inside your shiny plastic shell Somewhere south of your neighborhood There's a chemical flavor Not so far from your hotel The radio is casting a spell Somewhere south of your border Can you follow the order? Like an ancient explorer They recognized your eyes and you still don't know why When will you die for the last time in my dreams?