Talk About It

Track byNE-YO

  • 2019.10.03
  • 3:09


Ooh, this Christmas time Ooh, let's talk about yours Let's talk about mine Mama, Grandma with my aunties cookin' All the ladies stay in the kitchen Staying' out the way So that when my uncles start trippin' They don't get caught up in the middle Even thought they know Them niggas gonna barge in with beef from 'bout twenty years ago And they be sippin' so you know what this about to be I'm takin' bets on who gonna knock over this Christmas tree Somebody gonna fight Somebody gonna cry Somebody gonna try to leave And they gonna squash it all right before it's time to eat Ooh, it's Christmas time How you do with yours? How I do with mine? Ain't no difference Ooh, this Christmas time Let's talk about yours Let's talk about mine Talk about it Runnin' round with my cousins Talkin' shit playin' the dozens Your momma so this, so that Your lips so chapped, your pony tail strugglin' Wow Then somebody get mad, run back tell your momma that you're out here cussin' But momma don't trip, through, in the egg nog She already good & buzzin' On the radio you hear same songs you don' heard every year Merry Christmas Merry Christmas from the Temptations to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Never really get tired of the Christmas music, huh? No Same here Even with all the drama your favorite holiday Yup Same here Ooh, it's Christmas time How you do with yours? How I do with mine? Ain't no difference Ooh, this Christmas time Let's talk about yours Let's talk about mine Talk about it Ooh, it's Christmas time How you do with yours? How I do with mine? Ain't no difference Ooh, this Christmas time Ooh, let's talk about yours Let's talk about mine Talk about it No Santa, no Santa He ain't comin' round We ain't trippin' No We ain't trippin' No We ain't trippin' We ain't even got no chimney for him to come down So we ain't trippin' Plus momma working double, triple shifts Double, triple shifts For each and every one of them gifts One of them gifts But momma said, Don't be giving not fat white dude credit for my shit 'Cause if you got shit, I'm the reason you got shit Momma we know Momma we love you Drama we know Every holiday this how it goes Ooh, it's Christmas time How you do with yours? How I do with mine? Ain't no difference Ooh, this Christmas time Ooh, let's talk about yours Let's talk about mine Talk about it Ooh, Merry Christmas


