Thank you for my friend You have become a smile from Thank you for my friend We will change the way I think If you are beside me sad even when hard times I want to spend time with the future You are my best friend いつだって時間が合ったらお前と二 人 何をするでもなくバカな事 ばかり話して笑っていたっけな 思い返せばそうやって過ごしていた 日々が今の俺という人間を作ったん だな Thank you for my friend You have become a smile from Thank you for my friend We will change the way I think If you are beside me sad even when hard times I want to spend time with the future You are my best friend 昔は良かったなんて言うほど 歳をとった訳じゃないけど またあの頃に戻りたい 今でもそんな事をよく思うんだ 今よりもっと俺達笑っていたよな? Thank you for my friend You have become a smile from Thank you for my friend We will change the way I think If you are beside me sad even when hard times I want to spend time with the future You are my best friend 俺もお前もほんの少し大人になった のかな? Thank you for my friend You have become a smile from Thank you for my friend We will change the way I think If you are beside me sad even when hard times I want to spend time with the future You are my best friend