My minds I Is looking out for number one With reasoned rhyme Gonna destroy and get the damage done All or nothing want the whole nine yards They call it safe but I will be on my guard Dead set want to get it gotta see the glow But sometimes I don't know where to go Hey there girl You know it ain't the summer of love Want the world To know just what I'm thinking of Flaming cities burning with the rock Get kids numb by the state of shock There ain' t no reason to get out or go down take a blow But sometimes I don't know where to go Who dares wins and survive Fight Jihad against the jive My minds I Is looking out for number one With reasoned rhyme Gonna destroy and get the damage done All or nothing want the whole nine yards They call it safe but I will be on my guard Dead set want to get it gotta see the glow But sometimes I don't know Sometimes I don't know Sometimes I don't know where to go