Stepped inside this depth of a dive With nothing but my vreath and this rep that im riding Check around the room 2 get a fresh look Most these names already in the guest book So im gonna sit on my stool and sip solo The mising half of stack of ripped photos If she dont know so, the odds of blowing up Watch the word work, the gods r growing up I never had trouble with the lovable Walk down that hill and fuck all the buffalo And by the time i get done with the small town Ashes of bridges and all the walls fall down Siting in the middle of dialouge I know im not the brightest star Otherwise i'd probably b 1 foot out the front enterence B4 1 sentence even starts breating im leaving Dont need another reason 2 carry guilt But she got a fair grill and she very built Plus i like her smile and her eyes r wild Should i try 2 aspire u 2 write my style Hold up- u cant take every 20 something back 2 the lab just 2 jelly up her belly button No thank u my name is sean here's a dollar 4 the jukebox- go play my song Cause this type of shit happens every day We all go 2 heaven even enimies stay U beter stay in ur place where the memories play Im just trying 2 live life cool- morris day Im on the B L O C laying low key Hair getting braided whilst im talking 2 the homie Old G standing in the corner not talking The little homies sister wanna borrow my walkman Its fron yard polotics we talk alot of shit Who we wanna fight broads that were trying 2 hit Then we back posted up 4 a few hours more Now the homeboy cousin bring his ass down stairs Tryin 2 spark some convo but dont know body cares Neither life or a square im not even looking No respect on the block cos he mark n a hoodie And i know this fool gonna say something sideways The homeboy just start him out last friday 20 years old getting puncked every friday Think that he hard cause he dips on the YA? My move dont play no time 4 disussion Take ya ass in the house fool dont say nothin As he walked up the staris heard him cry through the screen door Sucker ass chump what he tryin 2 make a scene 4 Know that he heard me cause the window was open So we talked even louder And kept on jokin