I found out that I'm a chump and the wool pulled over my head Wonder who woke you up But I'm gonna know somewhere _____ yessir you gonna tell me somehow You stay out night till three and four and come home leaping drunk That's my business Then come to bed and turn your back _____ sue you know that's the bunk Yes sir now listen here sister Kate, now tell Papa who keepin' you out so late Listen Butter Let me hear I don't mean to cut you short and I ain't putting on airs What's wrong with you? But I got my two end _____ minding my own affairs Now wouldn't answer your question if I know I had to die So don't keep asking cause I don't want to lie You can't make me tell me you so it's no use to try Brother ain't none of your doggone business Oh yes that's my business let me straighten you out Now look here woman you must have lost your mind You must got religion and you don't mind dying When you talk language I don't understand You're drumming up business for a a graveyard man I'm as jealous of you woman as a man can be Sue you know you done put that thing on me You getting _____ to wise me everyday, now tell me what making you act that way I got tired of staying home just sitting there and watching the clock Now what's wrong with that? Sometime it was after four _____ when you put your key in my lock When I was a good woman, you done everything you could To make me think of nothing but an old chunk of wood Now I'm doing what I please you can tell the neighborhood What I do ain't none of your doggone business