(Close your eyes, just focus on your heart… relax, breath in, breath out) so wake up it's time to go to another world let's get back to the nature listen to your soul... it's calling me I can hear your scream and shout it's shaking my emotion don't stop chase excitement cause it's truth I put a spell on you to awaken 般若波羅蜜多心経みたく色即是空 all is vanity fuck my identity not disturbed by evil and entity your worst enemy is your ego don't put a veto on ya energy flow let's celebrate our life and 魂 に背負ってるカルマも全部 解き放てよwith your angel そう自分で自分を縛っていたって そこにはなんにもない the world is empty, just empty… so wake up it's time to go to another world let's get back to the nature listen to your soul... it's calling me I can hear your scream and shout it's shaking my emotion don't stop chase excitement cause it's truth I put a spell on you to awaken