
See this tall man walking the streets of Helsinki He's called Seppo, he's a friend of mine from Finland He tells me: "Henk, she left me again And I went back to my old apartment close to the graveyard" Nobody loves you and nobody cares You're like this leaf that's falling down And nobody likes you and nobody cares You're like this leaf that's falling down on the ground Soul man, soul man I hope I can Soul man, soul man I hope I can Be your friend Be your friend again Now he's all alone in the radio studio at night He's a disk jockey working for Radio Mafia Helsinki Sometimes women call him in the night Nobody likes you, nobody cares You're like this leaf that's falling down And nobody loves you and nobody sees that You're like this leaf that's falling down on the ground Soul man, soul man I hope I can Soul man, soul man I hope I can Be your friend Be your friend again One night we went walking From the Torni Hotel to the Kosmos Restaurant And we were not allowed inside We were wearing the wrong shoes That's Helsinki Blues So we went along Along the Vanha to the station Soul man, soul man I hope I can Soul man, soul man I hope I can Be your friend Be your friend again And we were watching the trains To Saint Peter disappearing in the night



ディートリヒ・フィッシャー=ディースカウ/アントン・シャリンガー/トーマス・メーア/アルフレート・シュラメック/ペーター・イェロジッツ/ジークムント・ニムスゲルン/ブリギッテ・ポッシュナー/Madelyn Renée/チェスラワ・スラニア/アンナ・ゴンダ/ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団/サー・ゲオルグ・ショルティの人気曲

ディートリヒ・フィッシャー=ディースカウ/アントン・シャリンガー/トーマス・メーア/アルフレート・シュラメック/ペーター・イェロジッツ/ジークムント・ニムスゲルン/ブリギッテ・ポッシュナー/Madelyn Renée/チェスラワ・スラニア/アンナ・ゴンダ/ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団/サー・ゲオルグ・ショルティ