I wished I had my poor heart in my hand I wished I had my poor heart in my hand I show you women, how to treat a man I'm goin', I'm goin', your cryin' won't make me stay Oh, I'm goin', your cryin' won't make me stay But the more you cry, further you drive me away You know you didn't want me, you oughtn't've made no stall You know you did not want me, you oughtn't've made no stall There's plenty more women, prayin' for your downfall If the river was whiskey, I'd stay drunk all the time If the river was whiskey I would, stay drunk all the time So a woman like you, could not worry my mind Some of these mornings, baby, listen to what I say Some of these mornings, baby, listen to what I say I'm goin' away to leave, it will be too late to pray