Fire (Live)

Track byCeCe Winans

  • 2021.03.12
  • 7:13


Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us Like You did on the day of Pentecost Rushing in like a mighty wind Fill us up with Your presence and Your power Lord, do it again We are here crying out on one accord Let the heavens touch the earth Come ignite a passion in our hearts And Lord, let it burn Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us My prayer tonight is that God would be glorified And that the world will come to know who He is Overwhelmed by Your glory and Your grace You consume us with Your love Give us more and more of who You are We can't get enough Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us You, You're the only One Who can bring new life You, You're the only One Who can light this fire You, You're the only One Who can bring new life You, You're the only One Who can light this fire Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us Fire, fire fall on us Start a new revival Fire fall on us Acts 2 and 1 says When the day of Pentecost had fully come They were all with one accord in one place And suddenly there came a sound from heaven As of a rushing mighty wind And it filled the whole house where they were sitting Verse 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit And began to speak with other tongues As the Spirit gave them utterance Just like He did it before How many know we need Him to do it again? Alright, here we go Just like You did it before Lord we are ready for more Just like You did it before Lord we are ready for more Just like You did it before Lord we are ready for more Just like You did it before Lord we are ready for more Just like You did it before Lord we are ready for more Just like You did it before Lord we are ready for more Lord we are ready for more Lord we are ready for more Lord we are ready for more Lord we are ready for more You know what I've been walking with the Lord a long time And I have to have the Holy Ghost And the Holy Ghost and fire Moving inside of me In order for me to live the life that He wants me to live I need the Holy Ghost I need the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire I need the Holy Ghost I need the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire I need the Holy Ghost I need the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire I need the Holy Ghost I need the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire I need the Holy Ghost I need the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire


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CeCe Winans