Hack to the basic あくまで前進 Hack to the basic 飽くなきImage Hack to the basic Swapする定義 Hack to the basic Hack to the basic 頭で考えるよりも 自分の中に問いかけてみな 結局人は脆く弱い それが故にボロ糞LIFE 孤独と快楽混ぜる未来 何を描くかは自分次第 Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Strike out 1.2.3 Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Strike out 1.2.3 君が取り仕切ってるか分からない けど俺にはちっとも響かない Hey hey とりまもう 適当に騒いでる阿呆に合掌 Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Strike out 1.2.3 Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Don't you fuck with me Strike out 1.2.3 何言われたって関係ねぇ だって既に俺は完成形 積み上げてきたLIFEとSTYLE 使い分けてきたKnifeとSmile ライブハウス楽屋の隅っこ 仲間たちの想いもSpit 透き通るような気持ちでいざ逝かん 次は俺たちが時を刻む番 Hack to the basic あくまで前進 Hack to the basic 飽くなきイメージ Hack to the basic Swapする定義 Hack to the basic Hack to the basic Hack to the basic あくまで前進 Hack to the basic 飽くなきイメージ Hack to the basic 音に従うがのみ Hack to the basic それが基本 それをKeep on