Devil And My Brown Blues

  • 2005.10.25
  • 2:52


No gypsy woman, no gypsy woman can't fry no meat for me, lordy mama No gypsy woman can't fry no meat for me I ain't scared, I'm skittish she might poison me 'Cause I woke up this morning, woke up this morning, heard somebody callin' me, lordy mama Woke up this morning, heard somebody callin' me Must've been a weevil, thing they call the stingaree A bo' weevil's here, a bo' weevil's there, each and, mama's everywhere, the preachers tell me that Bo' weevil's here, bo' weevil's everywhere I dreamt a dream last night, it was all in your flour there The farmer went to the merchant, said, "I want meat and meal", lordy mama Farmer went to the merchant, says, "I wants meat and meal" The merchant screamed, "No, no, the bo' weevil's in your field" Bitin' spider, bitin' spider, crawlin' on the wall Bitin' spider now, crawlin' on the wall Grinds it nat'ral but he's crazy 'bout his alcohol I heard a mighty rumblin' down under the ground, lordy mama Mighty rumblin' way down under the ground The boll weevil and the devil was t'ievin' with somebody's brown Said he was low and squatty, said he was cut to speed, lordy mama He's low and squatty, said he was cut to speed Says he has everything that a poor bo weevil needs Now bo' weevil, now bo' weevil, sittin' down on the square, the first time I seen Mister Bo' Weevil, sittin' down on the square Next time I seen him, mama, he had his whole family there Bo' weevil told that farmer, "Buy no Ford machine", lordy mama He told the farmer not to buy no Ford machine 'Cause he's gonna fix it so he can't buy no gasoline

Bo Weavil Jackson (Sam Butler)