あまり話すのは得意な方じゃない 代わりに音に合わせ叫ぶしかない 言葉交わさない間に生じる誤解 大人になって全て知ったよな はなはだしい勘違い 無知からくるその不信感 疑う気持ち心(ここ)不安 結局お前が持っていたステレオタイプと偏見 オレらはより大きな心でその全てを受け止める 地位や名誉 肩書き財産 全部取っ払った時 何が残るか!? Power in the music Helps to grow understanding Power in the music Helps you feel alive Sometimes the dark gets in and you can't see Which way is up or down and you can't let go We've got to help one another through these hard times When things get ruff It's not enough to stand by and watch it go down You've got to be tuff So start by accepting yourself and Understand that it all takes time, man Once step to the left is one step to the front Everyday is a chance to know and grow Unconditional love is the way to go It's not impossible, you can do it ! Power in the music Helps to grow understanding Power in the music Helps you feel alive Don't you know their is more out there Then what's sitting right there in front of your face You've got to get out, don't even think twice Take one step, feel the rhythm of survival そこの目の青いキンパの白人 偉そうな態度アメリカンプライド ? What you talking, Japanese all look the same Short with black hair, brown eyes, it's so lame おい、自分のことばっかり話してるなよ ! Yo, you never independent, step your game up, dog ! ここは日本だぞ、おい And that's all you know お前, You, お前, You, お前, yo, yo, yo !!!! よう、みんな Everybody out there !? 答えてくれ We want to hear your voice! なぜ俺たちは争うんだ!? 文化の違い Stereotypes 社会的地位 Close-mindedness 様々なフィルター Elitism 頭の良さなんて これっぽっちしか変わんない We gotta embrace our differences 今お互いの違いを 認め合おうじゃないか!! That's the power of music! 音楽の力よ!! The Power of Music, music makes you happy The Power of Music, music makes you high The Power of Music, music moves the people The Power of Music, music stops the war The Power of Music, music makes you smile The Power of Music, music makes you higher and higher The Power of Music, music moves the soul The Power of Music, music ends the war, all war The Power, music makes World Peace