I've been thinking the things about while ago Then you and I were smilimg in photograph Everyday was like a story I was not afraid of anything There was no need to fear And i traced the streets where walked with you before as i'd reminising how we used to be Just like a ghost Lie about the grass and run down the head of a hill, I kiss you in sleepy park hand in hand tightly Hope you will be fine cause i can't ve the one you want See you someday,somewhere We fell apart but this photograph reminds me of そうやって また夜は明けて 陽が昇るまで 歩いて 道の途中で ふと振り返る 今までのこと 一つずつ うつった影が 足りないまま 同じ空を繰り返し見てた 君の綺麗な髪も 華奢な腕も 寝起きの顔も 電話の声も 甘い匂いも 覚えているよ 終わってしまえば たった一つの言葉も 嘘に変わってしまうけど 君をまだ僕は 信じてるようで 君をまだ僕は 待っているような 自分勝手な希望を作り出してさ 馬鹿みたいだな I've been thinking the things about while ago Then you and I were smilimg in photograph いつか全て遠い思い出となって 過ぎ去ってしまうけど 一枚の写真を 君と見た風景を ずっと握りしめたまま 歩いてくよ