You are my star Shining so brightly もう誰も止められはしない 夢 見てる限り 流れる 星の様に 燃え尽きる事なくキミは ずっと、光る… Your one in a million Your once in a life Your one in a million Your once in a life Your one in a million Your once in a life ALL EYEZ ALL EYEZ 世界中のATTENTION on me... on YOU 説明不要、で別格 can't nobody come STOP US 天まで目がけて発射 後戻りは不可能、導火線を着火…OH! したら カウントダウン&TAKE OFF It's we against the world 現実から目を覚ませ WAKE UP 別にそれでも…いいんだ cuz ALL WE GOT IS US フェイクなら飛び出す オレ達の観えてる FUTURE 観えてんなら COME with US! Your one in a million Your once in a life Your one in a million Your once in a life wrong choices, I made them all still making them, over and over but we still here doing what we do over and over (and over and over) again and again and again They said... Yesのはずが No 可能が不可能 「おまえはしょせん、 どうせそんなモンだろう」…って 言われたのはもう long ago そんなやつらこそ、今はどこ…今はどこ? HATER ! ONE! (in a MILLION) ONE! (in a MILLION) ONE! (in a MILLION) ONE! (in a MILLION) You are my star Shining so brightly No one can ever come between the two of us Truly yours for all time Nobody else, can tell me different Baby I know that you are one in a million Will you be mine for life?