words by Stuffy Shmitt music by Dean Friedman Got a rich man's dream. Wanna swap my taxi on a limousine. Wanna cash it in. Wanna give it all away. Got a poor man's needs. Beans in the bucket and love in the sheets. And your sandy eyes. Making it all all right. Something's calling on me... And I don't know where I'm going. I don't know where I'm going. I got no place to be. Honey, keep me company. Woke peacefully in a town somehow in New Jersey. In my momma's arms, rocking to the radio. Now I sing myself to sleep in apartment 4 in building G. Gotta lock the door. Gotta hide the key. Oh, baby, I'm free... And I don't know where I'm going. I don't know where I'm going. I got no place to be. Honey, keep me company. Now maybe one day I'll be a famous man with an LA tan, a million fans, and a catamaran floating movie stars. Or maybe one day I'll be a bum in the gutter with a bottle in my hands. And your sandy eyes making it all all right. Making it all all right. Making it all all right.