Track byMustapha Bourgogne
Rupture the cells. Rupture the cells. A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. Join the hunt of the hiding face of terror. A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. Join the hunt. A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. Dropped out of human race. Disease breeds in your cells. Unbalanced life becomes your habitude. Deranged, untamed, sustained. Reborn by miracle man Sucking on your corpse. Spit out evil into the brain pan. A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. Reflex action like a snake. A.D.A.M. This gorgeous strange creatures Distorting our men. Dropped out of human race. Disease breeds in your cells. Unbalanced life becomes your habitude. Suction, induction, interruption. Frying the black beast. Returning to society. You're living the new flesh now. (2x) A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. It's a miracle. Absolute miracle. It's a miracle. A.D.A.M. Absolute miracle. It's a miracle. Absolute miracle.