Stupid me… Why don't you call me back? Stupid me… This isn't working out Stupid me… It has been for a while You said, I wanna be by myself to think for a while 여름이 끝나는군요 지나가는 소나기 麦わら帽 뭉게구름 コンビニ前 溶けるアイス 울고 싶어 내가 보고 싶어 Never 居酒屋で飲むビール冷房 テトラポット登って堤防 蹴っ飛ばしていこうって音色 メーカー不明の100円ソーダ ”You may be concerned with my faithfulness, but I assure ya that I date just ya” I won’t fall for your honeyed words Trust is like a paper, once it’s crumbled it can’t be perfect oh Don’t look down on me I just… Turn it up or down, on or off I turned off the radio in my dream and went back to my bed I'm not in love with you anymore Turn it on to attract attention Hold my hand A welcome to summer fantasy It’s just one of those things Tokyo mystery 一夏の祭り終わって待つ 溌剌 白昼の夏 スカートの中 渡り廊下 「永遠」 なんてないことを僕は夏から 教わります アスファルト点滅 海沿いの電線 風が吹いて 白いシャツ膨らんで ハンドルを回して開ける 助手席の窓 長い坂道登るとある白いお家 レンタルビーチパラソル アイス入ったビニール袋 I look my life in my pocket じっとりとかく汗滲んで ぷしゅ まとわりつく肌を撫でる夏 ”You may be concerned with my faithfulness, but I assure ya that I date just ya” I won’t fall for your honeyed words Trust is like a paper, once it’s crumbled it can’t be perfect oh Don’t look down on me I just… Turn it up or down, on or off I turned off the radio in my dream and went back to my bed I'm not in love with you anymore Turn it on to attract attention Hold my hand A welcome to summer fantasy It’s just one of those things Tokyo mystery しゅるしゅるり あがる花火