風を切る速さで 闇を突き抜け 冷かな現実 時は短い Blitzkrieg’s begun Under the gun Surgical strikes Light up the night Oh yeah 乾れ果てた砂漠に雨を降らせろ 滅びゆく地球に隙間風吹く Blitzkrieg’s begun Under the gun Surgical strikes Light up the night Night after night I’m gonna dance on the Grave of the world Dance on the grave of the world Hey! [Chorus] Firestorm! Firestorm! Firestorm! [solo] 開けゆく銀河と地上の掟 愛に飢えた目の奥 流れ星見た Blitzkrieg’s begun Under the gun Surgical strikes Light up the night Firestorm! [Chorus] Firestorm! Firestorm! Firestorm!