When I paid off the taxi I had no money left And, of course, no luggage My empty hands shall signify this passion Which itself remembers O Daughter of Zion When you lay upon my breast I was like a soldier Who lies beneath the earth of his homeland, resolved You said: "I am an old woman, I thought you were dead. I have forgotten how often We betrayed one another. My hide is worn thin, Covered with scars and wrinkles. Now only doctors gather at my bedside To tell what the Almighty has prepared for me. A woman comes in to keep the place looking occupied." Let us, when our lust is exhausted for the day Recount to each other all we endured since we parted There is so much to get through It will take until night Then we shall rise, miraculously Virgin, boy and bride To me you are a land of Jerusalem stone Your scars are holy places There, under my hand, the last wall of the Temple There, the Dome of the Rock And many apartments The forest planted in memory The movie houses picketed by Hasidim The military barracks The orchard where a goat climbs among branches Your neighbor, the one who let me in She was brought up on stories of our love