The Camel in the desert took a ship across the lake While the Fish in search of water found a Fig with a bellyache Who overheard the waves as they headed for the shore: We're not so sure of separations anymore! At the Caterpillar picnic Brother Butterfly stole a rhubarb stem, Licked and dipped it in the sugar bowl Caught out for Massachusetts in a double-stack train Through the Adirondacks, spinning like a weathervane Gathering & cutting & splitting & stacking the wood Our fuel is neatly piled and we all feel good We pretend to care and like we understand Our eyes go soft, but know it now: What we're thinking about's your mammary glands And how to sail your birth canal We found a pot to fit the lid, to Know less now than when we were smarter did Our thoughts are like a teabag on the saucer - All the flavor gone The Dog below our waist's aroused As arms embrace the pretty Gals But came much more as a surprise It happening while I hugged the Guys! We planted before the final frost and Once were found but now we're lost We've got a heckuva lot to learn About remaining Taciturn