Why should I, a brisk young lassie Be forced tae wed a feckless auld man? Hoastin' an' hirplin' a lamiter body I'll dee far raither than gie him ma han Kirk or mercat aye he follas me Gapin', glowerin' 'til I fain ban Then at oor ingle-neuk ilka day haverin' I'll dee far raither than gie him ma han Why should I, a brisk young lassie Be forced tae wed a feckless auld man? Hoastin' an' hirplin' a lamiter body I'll dee far raither than gie him ma han A' ma freens are like tae deave me But hoose an' hame an' siller an' land Deil tak' the siller an' land a' thegither I'll dee far raither than gie him ma han Why should I, a brisk young lassie Be forced tae wed a feckless auld man? Hoastin' an' hirplin' a lamiter body I'll dee far raither than gie him ma han My ain Jo is young and bonnie And though he's poor, he's aye kind tae me I'll hae nae man but ma ain dearest Johnnie And ne'er the auld man although I should dee Why should I, a brisk young lassie Be forced tae wed a feckless auld man? Hoastin' an' hirplin' a lamiter body I'll dee far raither than gie him ma han