Whet up your knife and whistle up the dog Whet up your knife and whistle up the dog We're going to the hollow for to catch a ground hawg Ground hawg Too many rocks and too many logs Too many rocks and too many logs To many rocks for to catch a ground hawg Ground hawg Up come Barry with a ten-foot pole Up come Barry with a ten-foot pole Pushed it down that ground hawg hole Ground hawg Took him home and tanned his hide Took him home and tanned his hide Made the best shoe strings you've ever tied Ground hawg Old lame Sal came skipping to the hall Old lame Sal came skipping to the hall Got enough whistle they could feed ‘em all Ground hawg Meat in the cupboard and hide on the churn Meat in the cupboard and hide on the churn That ain't ground hawg I'll be durned Ground hawg