Movin’ your body All night long party I need nobody without you don't know why Don't be shy Movin’ your body All night long party I need nobody without you don't know why Don't be shy chew chew… I don't wanna シングルなnight 絶対 朝まで眠らない show me 期限付きのyour mind そうSUPA-LOVA-BOYと いい恋したい Movin’ your body I need you don't know why Don't be shy no no… 愛の罠?クールなyour rhyme すぐ 過ぎてくホットなtime 偽りさえ甘いdrops 残さず溶かそううつなmode looking at my heart 胸につまるwords looking for my part 聞かせてmore looking back my love 足りないのはvibes そうよfeel your beat Candy Lie Don't you want 好きなflavor選んで berry or cherry? can be light can be high can be tight ため息を全部eat up Candy Lie あげる わざと本気包んで so sweet and honey can be light can be high can be tight 理想的なline chew chew… I know ずっとrefrain まだこれからももっとheat up ムードに流されるtype? 味わって欲しいよ 密なsmile looking at your heart 嘘じゃないmy step looking for your step 知りたいmore looking back your love トキメキがbounce そうよfeel so good Candy Lie to your heart きっとコトバは魔法 drop by drop love you can be light can be high can be tight 駆け引きは It's so juicy 鍵はCandy Lie もっと時間をかけて day by day love you can be light can be high can be tight 予定ではfine Candy lie Don't you want 好きなflavor選んで berry or cherry? can be light can be high can be tight ため息を全部eat up Candy Lie あげる わざと本気包んで so sweet and honey can be light can be high can be tight 理想的なline Movin’ your body All night long party I need nobody without you don't know why Don't be shy Movin’ your body All night long party I need nobody without you don't know why Don't be shy Movin’ your body All night long party I need nobody without you don't know why Don't be shy