Track by東京ディズニーシー
Your table’s waiting Right this way, your table’s waiting We’re here all day With a magical menu for everyone Flavors that will please and tease and Tickle your tongue The finest dining Sit down, please start And try combining Or a la carte A fantastical smorgasbord, yes it’s true Here and just waiting for you 甘い香りのパリ 情熱のマリアッチ 夢のようなこの テーブルへ ご案内しよう 僕らも手伝おう Let your every sensation Your imagination Imagine cuisine old and new A table is waiting for you 世界中から 選ばれた ゴージャスなごちそう 踊り出して ハラペーニョ ハンバーガー 魅惑のスパイス 豪華絢爛な おもてなしを (どうぞ) Let your every sensation Your imagination Imagine cuisine old and new A table is waiting A table is waiting A table is waiting for you For you