Track byOom Karoolus & Lente
かなりつまんない世の中で ちょっとふざけた話なんだ どこに行っても Money それじゃあくたばっちまうよ 上にいる奴らが決める 自分勝手なルールなんて もう聞き飽きたんだ 我慢しきれないぜ <♪> いつもおんなじ顔ぶれで やっぱふざけた話なんだ 誰がやっても Money それじゃすぐ枯れちまう いつも nonsenseな理由で はぐらかしてる son of a bitch face もう見飽きたんだ 早く消えてくれよ 腐った時代に フランケンシェタイナー 俺たちで作るこの世界を 悲しすぎる リアルにムーンサルトボディプレス 始まりの鐘がなる Don't make up. Don't give up. Let's thrust up a fist and cry out. Don't hold back. Don't look back, Let's breathe out dissatisfaction. Don't make up. Don't give up. Break through the limit of myself. Don't hold back. Don't look back. It's a first step of fighting. <♪> 腐りきった時代に ジャンピンクエルボー 俺達が作るこの世界を むなしすぎる リアルにフラッシングエルボー 始まりの鐘がなる Don't make up. Don't give up. Let's thrust up a fist and cry out, Don't hold back. Don't look back. Let's breathe out dissatisfaction. Don't make up. Don't give up. Break through the limit of myself. Don't hold back. Don't look back. It's a first step of fighting. Let's thrust up a flst and cry out, Let's breathe out dissatisfaction. Break through the limit of myself. It's a first step of fighting.