Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air (Is in the air...) (Love is in the air) Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air LOVE is in the air Hate is in the air Hate is in the air Hate is in the air Does anybody care? Hate is everywhere Death is in the air Death is everywhere Hate is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air Hate is in the air Hate is everywhere Hate is everywhere Death is everywhere Death is everywhere Love is everythere Death is everywhere Love is everythere Hate is everywhere Death is everywhere Death is everywhere Death is everywhere Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air Love is in the air (Love) Waith, yeah... Let me think for a moment About a world with painted paper And so much cement, So much cement. So what is if for and meant? Never? I don't understand why A fool? Yeah? Oh? I built a ship this afternoon I plan to sail it up to the moon. I want to fly, I want to fly, A fool? Yeah? I want to fly, I want to fly, I want... (uuuuuuuurghhhh nahnahnahnahnah aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh...) Can't we all dream? Can't we all dream? I want to fly up to the moon then to somewhere new I want to sail somewhere new. Can't we all dream? (fade to end)