Ribhinn Donn

Track byRunrig

  • 2016.01.08
  • 3:58


O mo run Tha an oidhche ghremhraidh reoite is fuar Na bliadhnaichean dol bhuainn Is bhon cheud la gheall mi dhut Chuir sinn seachad cuart am bliadhn' Is gach uile gheamhraidh anns a bhlas A chailin og dhan tug mi luaidh Aon earrach ur O mo run Tha an la a tha ann cho truagh ri gaol Gann tha an cridhe nach diult Is a bhoid mhaireas buan O oigh, alainn, chiuin Co eile air thalamh ghabadh t-ait Gun siubhlainn leat gu cul na greine Is gu crioch la Mo ribhinn og Mo ribhinn donn Gun siubhlainn leat gu cul na greine Is gu crioch la O mo run Tha mi mar as abhaist is mi 'nam aon na mo shuidhe sgriobhadh Dhan Se seo doigh mo dhaoine Is moladh mi do chliu Le oran ceangailt anns an nos Is ged sheasainn air gach uile reul Bhiodh tu os coinn Mo ribhinn og Mo ribhinn donn Is ged sheasainn air gach uile reul Bhiodh tu os coinn Mo ribhinn donn --oOo-- [English translation:] Ribhinn donn (Brown haired girl) My love The winter night is frozen and cold The years are moving away from us And from the day when I first vowed to you We lived through the journey of that first year And through every other winter in a warmth Young girl to whom I gave my love One new spring My love This day and age is impoverished in love Scarce is the heart that does not reject And the vow that binds eternally Graceful, gentle girl There is no other I could put in your place I would walk with you to the back of the sun And to the ends of time Young girl Brown haired girl I would walk with you to the back of the sun And to the ends of time My love As usual as I am in the solitary Writing songs This is the way of my people I will sing your praises In song secured to the tradition And supposing I stood on every star I would place you higher Young girl Brown haired girl And supposing I stood on every star I would place you higher


