I live in the dead centre of town Where every landlorn sailor comes to drown Where great ideas extinguish without sound And all my fickle friends have gone to ground So they will not come round... And you ask me what the problem is I say it's obvious And I'm not lying I live in the dead centre of town With one foot in the grave and one underground Where clocks don't go no matter how they're wound Boredom's king, unhappiness abounds And you ask me what the problem is I say it's obvious And I'm not lying Our town is dying I live in the dead centre of here Where daughters treat their daddies like King Lear Who says "death's a good career prospect, dear" Where sinners burn in hell for half a beer And you ask me what the problem is I say it's obvious And I'm not lying Our town is dying I live at the town centre of death Where even time is running out of breath She crawls past gasping "how much have we got left?" I'll tell you What the problem is It's oh so obvious And I'm not lying Our town is dying