A raging fire in my soul As a light in the darkness Why is there so much senseless killing? We all have the right to live freely Life isn't just a game Fight for freedom We hold the sun within our hands Now is the time for revolution Keep fighting to survive, to protect our family Tonight, turn your weapons on our real enemies On the bloody stage Lies upon lies Death is always on the way Doubt your common sense Is it a sin to kill in order to survive? And fight for our fate Fight for freedom We hold the sun within our hands Now is the time for revolution Keep fighting to survive, to protect our family Tonight, turn your weapons on our real enemies Who is on your side? Seek out the truth Stick to your beliefs no matter what Lets fight tonight Remember who the real enemy is A bird singing, the gentle rain The breeze brushing against my cheeks The warm sun shining through trees We will get it back Smiles of our loved ones Gather your courage to face all challenges Fight for liberty We hold the sun within our hands Now is the time for revolution Keep fighting to survive, to protect our family Tonight, turn your weapons on our real enemies