【1番】 心の中駆け巡る、感情のタイド "Racing through my heart, a tide of emotions ride" 「Keep it real, keep it tight」、真実だけが光 "Keep it real, keep it tight," only truth in this fight 君との言葉、空に飛ばすライト "Words with you, lights sent into the night" 「Step by step, side by side」、 進むこのバイブ "Step by step, side by side," moving in this vibe 【サビ】 「Emotion Drive, 心を解き放て」 "Emotion Drive, let your heart be free" 「Through the streets, our beats compete」 "Through the streets, our beats compete" 深夜までダンス、星にリーチ "Dance till late, reaching for the stars each" 【2番】 君の笑顔が照らす、 ダークな夜をブレイク "Your smile breaks the dark night, a light streak" 「Find the strength, never fake」、強さを見つけて、 偽りなし "Find the strength, never fake," no pretense, no mistake 希望のメロディをこの街にプレイ "Play a melody of hope in these streets, we lay" 「Ride the wave, make it great」、波に乗って、 素晴らしく "Ride the wave, make it great," on this emotional skate