You Only Live Once The trigger was probably something trivial You Only Live Once I'm living in the present ,so it's okay to dream right? You Only Live Once It's never too late to act right? You Only Live Once 人生は一度きり やる後悔より やらない後悔 言う後悔より 言わない後悔 おそいよな? 気にする年齢 けどこのもやもや抱えたまんま 5年、10年 生きてく方が 呼吸しずらいの分かってるんだ けどこのまま 無視して生きるより あがき走り前に進みたい 1step Having Hope 2step Be prepared 3step Get moving! All that's left is to act Don't worry about what others think Your voice can only reach you I don't know what's the right thing to do You'll understand after that ,right? 人生なんて 切り開くもの けど人生 深い迷路 それが楽しい 湧き上がる炎 マリオカートで行こうぜ キノピオ 少しのきっかけ それだけで 人生 全部ひっくり返るぜ This is your life You can go at your own pace You Only Live Once The trigger was probably something trivial You Only Live Once I'm living in the present ,so it's okay to dream right? You Only Live Once It's never too late to act right? You Only Live Once 人生は一度きり Life is up to you Realize it quickly Depressed,sad,hurt Don’t be scared There’s a lot to do You’re holding the wheel OK, Now where shall we go? 挑戦する時既に30over 覚悟を決め上京した エンターティナー あざ笑う 周りの奴ら Friends落ち着き家庭や会社 お前らのおかげで燃えたハート 今を生き 夢を追うんだ 俺の選んだ一度の人生 Have the best time 君にとっての Yolo このLifeに正解はあんの? ジャッジしてくる奴らは何者? 夢の年齢制限ってあんの? 勝手に決めんな人のシナリオ いつまで囚われてんの? ただの数字さ そうだろ正味 年齢脱いで行こうぜHomie You Only Live Once The trigger was probably something trivial You Only Live Once I'm living in the present ,so it's okay to dream right? You Only Live Once It's never too late to act right? You Only Live Once 人生は一度きり You Only Live Once Love yourself and accept yourself You Only Live Once Believe in yourself and keep walking You Only Live Once I already have wings,so let’s go You Only Live Once 人生は一度きり