You know it's funny right Because I never understood the term "Love yourself" I thought it was one of those cringey ass Tumblr quotes and man I used to fucking love up Tumblr but I was more into the sad poetry shit Anyway I then realised that life pushes those quotes or should I say those little stupid little life lessons forward for a reason As in they're all over t-shirts and Google and that but There's truth embedded in all of these things We cherry pick our way across fields and find that there are so many other fucking trees growing all kinds of bloody fruits Anyway I guess what I'm trying to say is this This album is me discovering and trying to understand through my one and only true love, that is music That I can too be my one and only true love That I can learn to heal alone That I can dance in the mirror and feel seen without being watched by someone Especially not no ugly man, or woman That I can cry and feel every tear without needing a shoulder I haven't got there yet but I will and when I do this album will be for me and no one else As it already is But I chat so much shit and And what I'm truly trying to say is to anyone that's ever hurt me and thinks these songs are about them This wasn't meant for you anyway